Tallahassee, FL – Americans for Prosperity-Florida (AFP-FL) today commended Hillsborough County Commissioners for voting to deffer the referendum on a new transportation tax originally slated to be taken up this week.
AFP-FL state director Skylar Zander released the following statement:
“We applaud the vote taken today by the commission to defer consideration for a new transportation sales tax on our residents. Floridians are facing daunting new challenges during these unprecedented times and don’t need more taxes weighing them down. We commend commissioners for focusing their efforts on addressing the immediate needs of residents through these unprecedented times.”
For further information or an interview, reach Dave Vasquez at DVasquez@afphq.org.
Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites Floridians behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit www.americansforprosperity.org
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