Americans for Prosperity Colorado Releases Corrected Version of Polis’ “Colorado Cashback” Rebate Letter

Aug 5, 2022 by AFP

Americans for Prosperity Colorado Releases Corrected Version of Polis’ “Colorado Cashback” Rebate Letter 

AFP-CO will be mailing a corrected version of Polis’ letter to Coloradans

DENVER, CO – In response to Governor Jared Polis’ misleading letter accompanying TABOR refund checks, Americans for Prosperity Colorado (AFP-CO) released a corrected version of the letter.

As you may have noticed, Polis’ letter conveniently leaves out which Colorado law is giving taxpayers their “Colorado Cashback” checks – the Colorado Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR). To help make sure Coloradans know this money was theirs to begin with, AFP-CO will be mailing a corrected version of Polis’ letter.

“It should come as no shock that Governor Polis is conveniently leaving out the source of these rebate checks – the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights,” said AFP-CO State Director Jesse Mallory. “But this money was Colorado taxpayers’ to begin with. So, to help inform voters, we will be mailing our letter to key households and making sure they know to thank TABOR, and not politicians, for their refund.”

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