Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners Commend President Trump and EU for Working Toward ‘Zero Tariffs’

Jul 25, 2018 by AFP

Arlington, VA – Following President Trump’s press conference today with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker,  Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce expressed support for lowering tariffs and non-tariff barriers, and encouraged the Trump administration to focus on advancing a trade policy that will open markets for American businesses and consumers.

Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips issued the following statement:

“This apparent reversal on job-killing tariffs and the commitment to move forward on eliminating unnecessary barriers to trade, job creation, and economic growth, is welcome news. We hope this is only the first of many steps toward ending this destructive trade war that is hurting American businesses and American families.”

Freedom Partners Executive Vice President Nathan Nascimento issued the following statement:

“We commend President Trump and European Commission President Juncker on forging a new path toward zero tariffs on most trade between the U.S. and European Union. Overall this announcement is very positive news when our economy is on edge over tariffs. Opening new markets by reducing tariffs and other trade barriers is proven to improve our prosperity and create American jobs. It is the best way to build on the Trump administration’s work of tax reform and reducing regulatory barriers to opportunity.

“Make no mistake: tariffs are tax increases that make us poorer and harm American consumers, workers, and businesses. We encourage the administration to engage other nations toward zero-tariff trade, without the economic turmoil that comes with tariffs or trade wars.”


  • Individuals, businesses, and countries should be free to engage in the voluntary exchange of goods and services, which improves lives by growing the economy, increasing pay checks, and creating new and better jobs.
  • Individuals and businesses in a competitive market, not government bureaucrats or politicians, should guide trade decisions.
  • Punitive measures such as tariffs and quotas harm most consumers, workers, and businesses and should be eliminated.
  • Subsidies and other forms of government supports for powerful and politically connected businesses and industries do not create value. They punish consumers, insulate businesses from market competition, and should be eliminated.
  • Trade disputes should be resolved through existing international trade agreements and organizations.
  • While national security interests may be a consideration in trade policy, they should be used to restrict trade only when there is truly a narrow national security interest at stake, not as a work around to impose tariffs.


Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. Freedom Partners is a non-profit, non-partisan chamber of commerce dedicated to protecting freedom and expanding opportunity for every American—no matter where they live, what they do or how much money they have.