American for Prosperity-Indiana Unveils Policy Priorities for 2023 Legislative Session

Jan 18, 2023 by AFP

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Americans for Prosperity-Indiana (AFP-IN) today announced its legislative agenda for the 2023 Indiana legislative session. This policy roadmap outlines important steps Indiana can take to prioritize opportunity and growth for all Hoosiers.

AFP-IN’s 2023 Legislative Agenda focuses on five key priorities:

  1. Tax Reform: Simplify the tax code and eliminate the state income tax to allow Hoosiers to keep more of their hard-earned money.
  2. Red Tape Reduction: Increase legislative oversight and transparency in the rulemaking process and reform the state’s emergency powers.
  3. Cannabis Reform: Create a legal, free, and competitive cannabis marketplace in Indiana.
  4. Educational Opportunity: Implement universal Education Savings Accounts to fund students not systems.
  5. Health Care Reform: Adopt a personal option which removes barriers that impede access to care, giving families more control over their health care.

View AFP-IN’s 2023 Legislative Agenda Here

AFP-IN State Director Josh Webb issued the following statement:

“We are excited to announce our policy priorities for the 2023 legislative session and engage on critical issues that will put Indiana on a clear path forward. This year, AFP-IN will focus on long-lasting policy reforms to expand educational opportunities, make health care more accessible and affordable, cut red tape, reduce the burden on taxpayers, and legalize cannabis responsibly. We look forward to working with lawmakers and folks across communities to continue identifying opportunities to help improve the daily lives of Hoosiers.”