AFPF-NJ: Supreme Court Issues Landmark Ruling to Protect Workers’ First Amendment Rights

Jun 27, 2018 by AFP

From our sister organization, Americans for Prosperity Foundation – New Jersey:  

The U.S. Supreme Court rules government workers who choose not to associate with public unions will no longer be forced to pay union fees.

Trenton, New Jersey – Today, New Jersey State Director of Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Erica Jedynak, issued the following statement in support of the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that public employees will no longer be forced to pay a government union as a condition of their employment. The decision in favor of plaintiff Mark Janus restored public employees’ First Amendment freedoms of speech and association. Over five million workers nationwide and approximately 314,000 in New Jersey may now choose whether or not to continue subsidizing government union activities with their paychecks.

“Today is a game-changer for New Jersey and the trajectory of the country. A victory for worker freedom, public employees will no longer be forced to pay union dues as a condition of employment or fund political speech against their will. Americans for Prosperity Foundation – New Jersey is excited to partner with the My Pay, My Say Project to educate New Jerseyans on their new-found rights. Janus is our lightning in a bottle to turnaround failing labor policies and expand right-to-work protections to all.”

In the coming weeks and months, the AFP Foundation – NJ will be partnering with other organizations in the state and My Pay My Say, a national education and awareness campaign to support workers as they explore their options and exercise their rights. This outreach effort will:

  • Act as a resource for public sector union members seeking clarity and guidance about this ruling;
  • Supply critical information and updates to workers on changes to state and federal labor relations policies;
  • Provide a platform for aggrieved government workers to share their experiences with the media and general public;
  • Provide analysis and research for media, partners, and the public from policy and legal experts at Americans for Prosperity Foundation – NJ and our affiliates.

More on the initiative can found at

For further information or an interview, reach Anna McEntee,, 973-370-5723

Americans for Prosperity Foundation – New Jersey (AFP Foundation – NJ) is a nonpartisan organization committed to educating citizens about the value of limited government and a free market economy. AFP Foundation’s educational programs and analyses help the public at large understand why the American free enterprise system is the best method to ensuring prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit