AFP-Wisconsin Hails Walker Welfare Reform Plan in State of State Address

Jan 24, 2018 by AFP

Governor Calls for Historic Welfare Reform As Economy Grows Stronger WI

Conservative Grassroots Activists Will Engage Legislature to Pass Reforms

MADISON, WI – Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin praised the sweeping plan for welfare reform outlined by Governor Scott Walker in today’s 2018 State of the State Address. The Governor’s address comes one week after the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) reported the Badger State’s unemployment rate fell to 3 percent, matching the lowest rate on record.

Americans for Prosperity State Director Eric Bott made the following statement:

“Wisconsin works best when Wisconsin works for everyone. We strongly support Governor Walker’s bold welfare reform plan because welfare reform is key to transforming lives by putting Wisconsinites back on their feet so they can build their own futures and find fulfillment. This legislation rewards good, honest hard work and cracks down on waste, fraud and abuse that robs these programs of resources. The Walker reform plan will give able-bodied Wisconsinites the tools they need to find employment and succeed, through hands-on job training and job-search resources, yet preserves Medicaid for the elderly, the disabled, and for those who truly need the help. Passing this welfare reform package is common-sense and will benefit Wisconsinites across the Badger State.  More Wisconsinites are finding jobs than ever before, wages are up, and unemployment just tied the all-time lowest rate on record. The time is right to cast aside the failed anti poverty policies of the past and help thousands of Wisconsinites find the dignity and happiness that comes with work. Our base of over 130,000 AFP-WI activists will be working tirelessly to encourage lawmakers to support the “Wisconsin Works for Everyone” package.

Last year, AFP-Wisconsin made a six figure investment in television advertisements asking Wisconsinites to thank Governor Scott Walker for keeping his promises to cut taxes and balance the state budget.