AFP-Wisconsin Announces New Deputy State Director

Jun 2, 2023 by AFP

MADISON, WI –Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) announced Azaleia Baker will step into the role as Deputy State Director. Baker has served as AFP-WI Director of Grassroots Operations since 2020.

“I am looking forward to continuing to serve the state of Wisconsin with Americans for Prosperity in my new role as Deputy State Director,” said Baker. “It has been an honor to work alongside such dedicated individuals who are determined to drive meaningful policy changes that make it possible for all Wisconsinites to pursue their American dream.”

“We are so excited to have Azaleia step into this new role on our team,” said AFP-WI State Director Megan Novak. “Azaleia’s commitment to AFP-WI’s principles makes her a crucial asset in our fight for freedom and prosperity. I look forward to continuing our efforts and expanding individual prosperity and opportunity for all Wisconsinites.”

Baker joined AFP-WI in 2020 and has served as Director of Grassroots Operations for the last three years. Prior to joining AFP-WI, she held a leadership role at a large retail corporation where she supervised, developed, and led highly successful teams. She was born and raised in Milwaukee and currently resides in Germantown with her family.