AFP-WI Urges Governor Evers to Reject DPI’s Budget Request

Nov 11, 2020 by AFP

MADISON, WI– Americans for Prosperity – Wisconsin (AFP-WI) today issued a statement in response to the Department of Public Instruction’s biennial budget request. The budget request includes $1.4 billion in new General Purpose Revenue for public schools and altering the funding formula due to declining enrollment from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

AFP-WI State Director Eric Bott issued the following statement:

“Governor Evers must reject this bloated and nonsensical budget request from the Department of Public Instruction and instead work with the legislature on crafting an education budget that increases opportunity for all students while also protecting taxpayers. Families across Wisconsin are continuing to struggle and adapt to the challenges of virtual education and a slowed economy due to COVID-19. Now is not the time to pump $1.4 billion of new taxpayer dollars into an education system that saw a huge decline in enrollment and is not meeting the needs of these families.


“We urge Governor Evers and the Legislature to instead consider policies that will fund families and students directly instead of simply funding buildings, including expanding access to part-time open enrollment, allowing funding to follow the student if they choose to leave their public school, and ensuring student access to the technology that may be needed for continued virtual learning.


“At a time when families are stressed over the economy and the educational environment, now is not the time for massive spending increases. We need to work together to craft a budget that is fiscally responsible and meets the needs of all students across the state. The current request from the Department of Public Instruction does not meet either of these goals. AFP-WI looks forward to hearing from the legislature and Governor Evers on their plans to craft a more responsible and effective education budget.”

For further information or an interview, reach Nicole Tardif at or (571) 329-0161.