AFP Vermont Launches Significant Mail, Digital Campaign Urging Lawmakers to Oppose Act 18 (the Clean Heat Standard)

May 28, 2024 by AFP

Montpelier, VT – This week, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) launched a major five part mail and digital campaign urging lawmakers to oppose Act 18, an anti natural gas bill that will harm Vermonters and raise energy costs if enacted.

AFP’s mail and digital ad campaign will run throughout the summer urging constituents to call on their lawmakers to oppose the implementation of Act 18 and defeat the bill once and for all.

AFP Regional Director Ross Connolly released the following statement:

“Bidenomics has already created a reality where many Americans are struggling to make ends meet due to the high costs of goods, gas, and groceries. Vermonters are facing record high utility costs and will face even higher rate hikes if Act 18 is enacted due to burdensome regulations and increased taxes just to heat your home.

“We are letting Vermonters know that Act 18 is not the solution to our problems and will only create higher energy costs and wreak more havoc on Vermonters’ wallets. AFP is calling on legislators to oppose Act 18 and prevent price hikes on energy costs.”

The first round of the campaign launched Tuesday, May 28th, and will run throughout the summer.

AFP-VT Act 18 mailer1.png


In 2022, the Vermont legislature passed S.5, known as the “clean heat standard.” This policy puts restrictions on the use of natural gas, a tax on home heating oil, and implements top down mandates which will harm Vermonters, especially the least fortunate.

Governor Phil Scott vetoed S.5 but it was overridden by a single vote in the Senate to become law. In the process to override the veto they had to include a 2-year review period by the Public Utilities Commission. After the review the legislature will have to vote again in January 2025 to decide whether to implement the law or not.