AFP-VA Priority Legislation to Reform Regulations Signed by Gov. Northam

Mar 28, 2018 by AFP

Group commends governor, legislature on bill to implement pilot program to cut red tape, reform occupational licenses

RICHMOND, Va. – Americans for Prosperity – Virginia (AFP-VA) on Wednesday commended Governor Ralph Northam for signing legislation to implement a pilot program that cuts red tape and reduces burdensome occupational licensing restrictions. The bill, which was sponsored by Del. Michael Webert (HB 883) in the House and Sen. Amanda Chase (SB 20) in the Senate, passed both chambers with bipartisan support. A study released in November by the Institute for Justice ranks Virginia as having the 7th most burdensome occupational licensing requirements in the country. Occupational licenses mandate that workers receive a government’s permission slip to work in certain careers, thereby reducing opportunity for so many Americans.

“Burdensome government regulations do little more than make it more expensive and difficult for Virginia’s businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed. This bill is an important step toward eliminating costly red tape that serves as barriers to opportunity and holds our economy back,” said AFP-VA State Director JC Hernandez. “Virginians shouldn’t need a permission slip from the government to support their family and pursue their version of the American dream. Occupational licenses raise prices for consumers and limit opportunities for workers. We have worked closely with the legislature on this bill and have educated Virginians across the state on how undoing these regulations is a vital component of a free and open society. We thank Del. Webert and Sen. Chase for carrying one of our major priorities and we applaud Gov. Northam and the General Assembly for finding common ground on this issue and beginning the process of rolling back these burdensome and often unnecessary requirements that make it harder for folks to earn a living.”

For further information or an interview, reach Lorenz Isidro at or (703) 887-7724. 

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit
