Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP-Utah Re-Endorses Jill Koford for HD-10 in General Election

Aug 16, 2024 by AFP

SALT LAKE CITY, UT – Americans for Prosperity-Utah (AFP-UT) today officially re-endorsed Jill Koford in her bid to win the Utah House District 10 seat in the November general election.

AFP-UT State Director, Kevin Greene, gave the following statement: 

“Koford is exactly the kind of principled, energetic new leader that the hardworking people of HD-10 deserve to have represent them in the Utah House of Representatives.

“She is a true fiscal conservative who will work hard to reign in state taxes and burdensome regulations that are making life more difficult for Utahns, who are already struggling with record inflation and living costs. 

“As a former teacher, Koford knows the importance of parental rights in education and providing flexible options for students. She will work diligently to expand school choice and make Utah the best place in America to go to school.

“AFP-UT will deploy the full weight of its grassroots activist community in support Koford to make the difference in this key race.”