DALLAS, TX – Americans for Prosperity-Texas (AFP-TX) today commended the Trump Administration for nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. Judge Barrett is an experienced, qualified, and independent-minded constitutionalist who will defend the Constitution and not legislate from the bench. Joining AFP’s robust, nationwide campaign, AFP-TX will leverage the full weight of its permanent grassroots infrastructure to drive her confirmation to the high court. AFP-TX activists will continue to encourage their friends, family, and neighbors across the state to reach Senators Cornyn and Cruz throughout Judge Barrett’s confirmation process.
AFP-TX Deputy State Director Mack Morris issued the following statement:
“Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a well-qualified jurist who will serve Texans well on the U.S. Supreme Court. We applaud Senators Cornyn and Cruz for their early support of a constitutionalist nominee and our activists look forward to seeing Judge Barrett confirmed.”
Americans for Prosperity is launching a significant national ad campaign focusing on eleven key states to scale its activists’ efforts to urge their senators to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.
AFP has set up a unique web page at UniteForBarrett.com that empowers individuals to contact their senators, and phone and text grassroots outreach has already activated across the country. Phone and text grassroots outreach has already activated across the country with several waves of targeted direct-mail, layered digital, and other tactics to follow in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia in mere days.
AFP heavily engaged its grassroots to support the confirmation of qualified nominees to the Supreme Court in previous years. With the dedicated efforts of its activists nationwide, AFP directly reached more than one million Americans in support of Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation in 2018 through a combination of door-knocking, phone-banking, and other tactics.
Barrett received her B.A. in English literature from Rhodes College in 1994 and her J.D. from Notre Dame in 1997. While at Notre Dame, she served as executive editor of the Notre Dame Law Review and received the Hoynes Prize, the highest honor at the law school.
After receiving her J.D., Barrett served in two clerkships with accomplished, constitutionalist jurists. First, with Judge Laurence H. Silberman at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and then with Justice Antonin Scalia at the Supreme Court of the United States.
Barrett worked in private practice for two years in Washington D.C. before embarking on a distinguished career as a law professor at George Washington University, University of Virginia, and University of Notre Dame.
President Donald J. Trump nominated Barrett to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on May 8, 2017. She was confirmed by the Senate on October 31, 2017. On November 2, 2017, Barrett received her commission to the court.
For further information or an interview, reach Nicole Tardif at NTardif@afphq.org or (571) 329-0161.
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