Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP-TX Applauds Gov. Abbott for Bringing Stakeholders Together to Safely Restart Texas’s Economy

Apr 27, 2020 by AFP

DALLAS, TX—Americans for Prosperity-Texas (AFP-TX) today issued a statement in support of Governor Greg Abbott’s recent announcement of a plan to safely restart Texas’s economy, leveraging the input of lawmakers, community members, business leaders, and health professionals.

AFP-TX State Director Jerome Greener issued the following statement:

“Safely and strategically reopening our state allows more Texans to meet the needs of their families and communities. We’ve already seen community leaders chart a path forward — whether that’s Texas Tail Distillery in Galveston and Tito’s converting their operating systems from making liquor to producing much-needed hand sanitizer, San Antonio’s Alterations To Go utilizing materials to make masks for health care providers, or 5X5 Brewing Co. down in the Valley adjusting their machinery to provide free filtered water to their community – Texans are coming together to solve the needs of their communities. Texan businesses, community leaders, and social entrepreneurs are innovators and problem solvers that can and will continue to complement our lawmakers’ efforts to combat COVID-19.”


In March, AFP-TX joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation to praise Governor Abbott for his leadership in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.

For further information or an interview, reach Nicole Tardif at or (571) 329-0161.