HSA Expansion Would Provide Affordable Health Care for More Americans
Arlington, VA – Americans for Prosperity sent Key Vote letters to members of the House of Representatives Tuesday encouraging them to support two bills that would expand health savings accounts: H.R. 6199, the Restoring Access to Medication and Modernizing Health Savings Accounts Act of 2018, and H.R. 6311, the Increasing Access to Lower Premium Plans and Expanding Health Savings Accounts Act of 2018. Expanding HSAs would reduce taxes for families, encourage lower health care spending, and put health care choices back in the hands of consumers.
Americans for Prosperity Policy Manager David Barnes issued the following statement:
“Empowering Americans to live healthier lives begins by allowing people to take greater control of their health care choices and by lifting barriers to better, more affordable health care options. Legislation expanding health savings accounts reflects those widely-held goals by providing patients the affordable care they need. HSAs also allow more Americans to access direct primary care (DPC) relationships – a model of health care delivery empowering providers to focus on patient care rather than maximizing billing.”
For further information or to set up an interview, please send an email to GBraud@afphq.org.
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