AFP-SC Urges Need for Fiscal Responsibility During Budget Negotiations

Mar 22, 2021 by AFP

COLUMBIA, SC – Americans for Prosperity-South Carolina (AFP-SC) today urged legislators to seek cost savings and protect taxpayers from unnecessary spending during budget negotiations.

AFP-SC State Director Andrew Yates issued the following statement:

“South Carolina government will have to make tough budget decisions and live within their means – just like every family and business is forced to do. We encourage lawmakers to take on challenges brought on by the government’s response to COVID by setting priorities for future spending and refocusing on essential and necessary services. Now is the time to reevaluate and reprioritize, rather than looking for more revenue to cover the cost of business as usual.”


Fiscal responsibility and protecting taxpayers from waste and unnecessary spending is a priority for AFP-SC. The grassroots group is advocating for a checkbook bill that would bolster transparency into the state’s finances and use of taxpayer dollars.

In 2020, Truth in Accounting, a think tank that analyzes states’ financial reporting, issued a report that ranked South Carolina as the 35th worse state for its fiscal health. The report found South Carolina had a taxpayer burden of $13,400 before the crisis began and is projected to lose $5 billion in revenue because of the crisis.