AFP Praises Walker Welfare Reform Push as Unemployment Rate Drops to 3 Percent

Jan 18, 2018 by AFP

WI Unemployment Rate Now 3 Percent, Tied for Lowest on Record

MADISON, WI –  Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin commended Governor Scott Walker for his new initiative to help working families in Wisconsin by calling for a special legislative session to pass historic welfare reform. The announcement comes as the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) reported the Badger State’s unemployment rate fell to 3 percent, matching the lowest rate on record.

Americans for Prosperity State Director Eric Bott made the following statement:

“Governor Walker’s reform agenda continues to help working families in Wisconsin. More Wisconsinites are finding jobs than ever before, wages are up, and unemployment just tied the all-time lowest rate on record. Once again, Governor Walker is leading the way by casting aside the failed anti-poverty policies of the past and replacing them with fresh ideas that will help thousands find greater dignity and happiness in their lives through work. With our state nearing full employment, it is economically imperative that every able-bodied adult participate in the workforce.  But more importantly, it is our moral duty to help our fellow citizens break free of a never-ending cycle of government dependency so they can achieve hope and prosperity.”

Last year, AFP-Wisconsin made a six figure investment in television advertisements asking Wisconsinites to thank Governor Scott Walker for keeping his promises to cut taxes and balance the state budget.