AFP Praises House Budget Committee for First Serious Steps to Rein in Spending

Jan 18, 2024 by AFP

Arlington, VAAmericans for Prosperity Senior Fellow in Fiscal Policy Kurt Couchman praised the House Budget Committee for advancing bipartisan legislation today to create a fiscal commission and start addressing our nation’s $34 trillion debt. The fiscal commission bill advanced by the Committee would create a focused space for Congress to get to work on policies that restore fiscal sanity and improve our nation’s financial health. Couchman said:

“We thank the House Budget Committee for advancing bipartisan legislation today to start getting the federal budget back on track. The Fiscal Commission Act would set up a focused effort within Congress to get the debt under control, possibly with the help of process upgrades. The Fiscal State of the Nation Act would re-establish common knowledge — the facts — about the federal government’s budget through the head of Congress’ watchdog GAO. And the Debt-to-GDP Transparency and Stabilization Act would focus presidents and Congress on the economic-growth-crushing debt burden when they budget. These bills would improve incentives and information for federal policymakers, and we call on House and Senate leaders to bring them to the floor as soon as possible.”

Click HERE for more on AFP’s solutions to get federal spending under control.