Harrisburg, PA—Today the Pennsylvania House of Representatives held a vote on the Taxpayer Protection Act, an amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution which would prevent the General Assembly from increasing spending above a three-year index determined by inflation and population growth. The measure failed by 20 votes.
After the roll call, Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania State Director Ashley Klingensmith made the following statement:
“While I’m disappointed with the outcome of today’s vote, I want to thank a courageous group of House Republicans, specifically Representatives Aaron Bernstine, Andrew Lewis, and David Rowe, who fought to bring this measure to the floor over objections within the chamber and the objections of entrenched special interests. We applaud these members and the 79 other lawmakers who put taxpayers first.
“Today is the culmination of a years-long effort to put Pennsylvania lawmakers on the record about their commitment to reducing government spending. AFP-PA and its network of activists look forward to holding members on both sides of the vote accountable to the largest, yet least represented constituency in the commonwealth: the hardworking taxpayer.”
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