AFP-PA Praises Senate Passage of RGGI Regulation Abrogation Act

Feb 4, 2025 by AFP

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania—Today the Pennsylvania Senate passed S.B.186, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Regulation Abrogation Act. Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania (AFP-PA) praised the chamber and urged the House of Representatives to take up the legislation

The bill, introduced by Senator Gene Yaw (SD-23), strikes regulations related to Pennsylvania’s unconstitutional entrance into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. AFP-PA issued a key vote alert to lawmakers, urging them to vote to restore separation of powers and to avoid taxes that would increase energy costs on Pennsylvanians.

AFP-PA State Director Emily Greene issued the following statement after the Senate passed S.B. 186:

“Pennsylvania never should have been entered into this dubious scheme, which will lead to higher energy costs. The only thing worse than Governor Wolf bypassing the General Assembly to enter the Commonwealth into RGGI is Governor Shapiro breaking his promise and joining the appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

“Not only does RGGI increase energy costs to ratepayers, it threatens to strangle the economic potential of Pennsylvania’s energy sector. Pennsylvania should be an energy exporting state, but outrageous overreach on the part of multiple Democrat Governors in the state has destabilized the sector and discouraged energy investors.

“We are pleased to see the Senate reclaim its rightful taxing authority by striking rules related to RGGI. We look forward to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upholding the rule of law and restoring checks and balances to Harrisburg.”


In 2019, then-Governor Tom Wolf violated the Commonwealth’s constitution by unilaterally entering Pennsylvania into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. In 2023, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court enjoined the Governor’s action. Unfortunately, Governor Josh Shapiro broke a key campaign promise by appealing the Commonwealth’s decision to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
