Harrisburg, PA – Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania (AFP-PA) today commended the Governor and state officials for recent actions taken this week to limit burdensome regulations on our health care professionals during the COVID-19 emergency.
State Director Ashley Klingensmith issued the following statement:
“We’re thankful to see the Governor and state agencies taking appropriate measures to enable our health care professionals to assist residents in need without burdensome restrictions. Beginning with the notice to allow licensed health care professionals from out-of-state to provide services to patients in the Commonwealth via telemedicine, several key improvements have been made this week to address the emergency at hand.”
“We also commend the Department of State for relaxing nursing license requirements to better combat the Coronavirus spread. Similarly, the decisions to enable retired health care workers and enable pharmacies to assist are moving our state in the right direction to tackle this pandemic. Moving forward, we call on the Legislature to act with the same sense of diligence and urgency to permanently remove barriers to our health care system – heeding the voices of state activists calling for legislative solutions from telemedicine to scope of practice. As Pennsylvania was recently ranked with the bottom half of states evaluated for openness and access of health care, now is the time to act for the best interest of our patients, our residents and our community.”
For further information or an interview, reach Dave Vasquez at DVasquez@afphq.org
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