AFP-Ohio Announces Lame Duck General Assembly Key Votes

Nov 14, 2018 by AFP

COLUMBUS, OH—Americans for Prosperity-Ohio (AFP-OH) has released its 132nd General Assembly lame duck session legislative priorities and key votes.  AFP-OH will encourage its activists to reach out to their state representatives and state senators to take principled stands on pending legislation. The organization is advocating for the passage of House Bills 189 and 342, while opposing House Bills 211, 525, 571, and Senate Bill 128.

AFP-OH State Director Micah Derry issued the following statement:

“AFP-OH identified key upcoming legislation that breaks barriers to opportunity for Ohioans through occupational licensing reform and increasing ballot transparency. AFP-OH and its activists are at the ready to oppose several pieces of proposed legislation that would increase those barriers we’re trying to remove, manipulate the free market, and increase taxes. Our organization is ready to make sure that our lawmakers represent the will of all Ohioans during lame duck session.”

  • House Bill 189 takes important steps to remove unnecessary barriers to occupational licensing.
  • House Bill 342 simplifies and updates property tax levy ballot language that causes confusion at the polls.
  • Senate Bill 128 is a massive bailout that would raise electricity bills on consumers.
  • House Bill 211 would increase government overreach and build barriers to opportunity through occupational licensing.
  • House bill 525 would take an existing bad policy and make it worse. This measure manipulates the free market by picking a favored industry and increasing its tax credit cap.
  • House bill 571 would levy discriminatory taxes on online travel companies which would result in increased costs for Buckeye residents.