AFP-OH Plans to Work with Senate to Overhaul Short-Term Loan Bill

Jun 7, 2018 by AFP

House passes bill that restricts access to financing for Ohio’s most vulnerable citizens

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Americans for Prosperity-Ohio (AFP-OH) on Thursday expressed its disappointment in the House passing H.B. 123, legislation that restricts access to financing for some of our most vulnerable citizens. The grassroots group pledged to work with the Senate to reform the legislation. Last month, AFP-OH sent a key vote alert to House lawmakers and announced it would include the bill in its legislative scorecard.

“Government created the need for today’s short-term loan industry by regulating traditional banks out of the market. HB 123 doubles down on this ill-advised approach and threatens to gut this vital industry for so many Ohioans, without ever implementing the recommendations of the Ohio business owners who operate in the marketplace,” said Micah Derry, AFP-OH State Director. “We are disappointed in the House vote and look forward to working with the Senate to address the bad actors in the industry without the overreach of government we just saw in the lower chamber.”
