AFP-NJ: What’s in a name?

May 18, 2018 by AFP

Trenton, NJ – Today, Governor Murphy signed the Workplace Democracy Enhancement Act into law. This legislation is widely regarded as a threat to worker freedoms and is designed to rob government workers of their consent to enter unions. Erica Jedynak, State Director of Americans for Prosperity-NJ, issued the following statement in response:

“The ‘Workplace Democracy Enhancement Act’ – signed into law today – is a strategic attempt by Governor Murphy and lawmakers in Trenton to distract from the content of the bill. Claiming that this bill expands or enhances democracy is laughable and absurd at best, and completely disingenuous at worst.

Let’s call this law what it really is – the ‘Preferential Treatment of Special Interests Act.’ This law deprives employees of their rights in favor of unions and special interests. Public employers will now be forced to fork over personal information on all new employees within ten days of hiring with or without the employees’ consent. To add insult-to-injury, taxpayers will now be on the hook for official time or collective bargaining during working hours, when many of these employees would be otherwise free to serve the people or mission they were hired to serve.

While the title of this law is certainly clever, it’s the taxpayers who will ultimately have to pay for this disastrous ruse.”