AFP-NH Issues Tax Day Statement

Apr 15, 2024 by AFP

Manchester, New Hampshire—Today as Granite Staters file their taxes, Americans for Prosperity-New Hampshire (AFP-NH) issued a statement praising state lawmakers and Governor Sununu for phasing out the Interest and Dividends Tax.

AFP-NH Regional Director Greg Moore issued the following statement:

“Thanks to activists, lawmakers and the full support of Governor Sununu, this is the last year that Granite Staters will have to pay any tax on income in New Hampshire. The Interest and Dividends tax was the state’s last existing tax on income, and thankfully, it too is being tossed into the ashbin of history.

“This phase-out is just part of AFP-NH’s long-standing goal of making New Hampshire the freest and most prosperous state in the nation. The New Hampshire Advantage is clear, especially when you compare our state to our neighbors with higher tax and massive regulatory burdens. We will keep working with activists and law makers to expand freedoms and advance liberty to ensure that Granite Staters continue to keep more of their paychecks.  We also want to give a shout out to Governor Sununu who started this effort in 2021 and who will walk out of office next January and can say that he truly made New Hampshire income tax free.”
