AFP-NE Urges the Legislature to Expand Educational Opportunity for Nebraska Students

Mar 8, 2019 by AFP

LINCOLN, NE – Americans for Prosperity-Nebraska testified before the Revenue Committee on Thursday urging them to advance LB 670, a bill that would create the Opportunity Scholarship Program, a tax credit scholarship program that would expand educational opportunities for thousands of students in Nebraska.

“Every Nebraskan student, no matter their ZIP code or family’s economic situation, deserves access to a high-quality education that meets their individual learning needs. This bill is a positive first step that would allow students from low-income families to exercise educational freedom, which will allow them to discover, develop, and apply their talents, and to establish a foundation for a life of fulfilment and success,” said Jessica Shelburn, AFP-NE State Director. “If we want diverse and inclusive environments for our children, we must have diverse and inclusive educational solutions that work for every student. We urge the legislature to support this bill and bring more educational opportunities for our students, families, and teachers.”


Expanding educational opportunity is a policy priority for AFP-NE. Earlier this year, AFP-NE participated in an educational freedom press conference at the capitol.