AFP-NE Releases 2019 Legislative Progress Report, Unveils 2020 Legislative Agenda

Feb 10, 2020 by AFP

Grassroots group helps enhance legislative transparency, outlines legislative priorities

LINCOLN, NE – Americans for Prosperity-Nebraska (AFP-NE) today announced the release of its legislative progress report for the 2019 legislative session and unveiled their 2020 legislative agenda. As part of the legislative progress report, AFP-NE is launching a robust digital and mail campaign thanking senators for their work in raising the bar in Nebraska for helping increase economic opportunity for all Nebraskans.

The legislative progress report helps inform Nebraskans on how their senators have voted on the issues that remove barriers to opportunity and the policies that affect their everyday lives. The grassroots group are thanking the following senators: Robert Clements, Suzanne Geist, Mike Groene, Ben Hansen, Mike Hilgers, Andrew La Grone, John Lowe, and Julie Slama.

Click here to view AFP-NE’s Legislative Progress Report

Click here to view an example mailer

The grassroots group has made comprehensive tax reform the main issue for the 2020 legislative session.

Americans for Prosperity-Nebraska State Director issued the following statement:

“2019 was another year that Nebraskans faced without meaningful tax reform. More work is needed to remove barriers and create opportunity for all Nebraskans. In order to give Nebraskans the real, long-term tax relief they need and deserve, senators have to address the underlying causes of our property tax woes – out of control spending at the local level.

“The legislative progress report enables Nebraskans to make their voice heard and holds lawmakers accountable for not supporting policies that helps every person rise. We thank our legislators who raised the bar by putting principles over politics, helping increase opportunity for everyone in our state. We look forward to engaging Nebraskans in the policy process that affects their everyday lives.”