LINCOLN, NE – Americans for Prosperity-Nebraska today participated in an educational freedom press conference at the capitol. The grassroots group urged the legislature to prioritize educational freedom and seek diverse and inclusive solutions for Nebraskan students, families, and educators.
Americans for Prosperity-Nebraska State Director, Jessica Shelburn issued the following statement:
“Families know education is the key to giving their children the chance to do better than the previous generation. Yet, for too many students and families, our system dictates where and how students receive their education based on the zip code they happen to reside or their finances.
“We are encouraged legislators are making educational freedom a priority. By allowing families to find the best educational setting for their children, educational opportunity can be a path to a brighter future for children in our state.
“We’re proud to stand with Sen. Linehan and this educational opportunity coalition to work toward a system that gives educators, families, and students the tools and freedom they need to succeed. Our students, families, and teachers can thrive when education is focused on the student and not maintaining the status quo. Together, we can work to give more opportunities to Nebraska teachers, families and students.”
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