Bismarck-ND, Last week, it was widely reported that some Senators would engage in partisan and political obstruction efforts to delay meetings with Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. This war of attrition, masterminded by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, encourages some Senators to unnecessarily draw out or delay meeting with the President’s nominee for the nation’s highest court and stall his confirmation.
Americans for Prosperity – North Dakota (AFP-ND) State Director, Mike Fedorchak issued the following statement:
“In her own words, Senator Heitkamp has referred to Judge Kavanaugh as ‘obviously highly-qualified’ and her staff has intimated that she is willing to meet with Kavanaugh. Senator Heitkamp, AFP-ND says there is no time like the present to prove your willingness to serve the people of North Dakota by setting a meeting with Judge Kavanaugh at your earliest convenience. This nomination is a historic opportunity for all United States Senators and we urge Senator Heitkamp to reject this blatant political obstruction and set a time to meet with this highly-qualified jurist as swiftly as possible.”
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