AFP-NC To Senate: “Don’t Expand Medicaid”

Jun 1, 2022 by AFP

Grassroots group warns of consequences of expanding Medicaid, Urges alternative Personal Option

Raleigh, North Carolina—Americans for Prosperity North Carolina (AFP-NC) today urged all members of the North Carolina to vote against a bill to expand Medicaid in the Old North State.

AFP-NC State Director Chris McCoy issued the following statement on Wednesday morning:

“On behalf of the hardworking taxpayers of North Carolina, I am encouraging every member of the North Carolina Senate to oppose HB 149. It’s been 10 years since the implementation of Obamacare and since then, 38 states have moved to expand Medicaid coverage. We’ve seen across the board that expanding Medicaid does not lead to better health outcomes, but it does cost the taxpayers.

“A single-payer health care system is not designed to support the individual health needs of Americans. The Senate should focus on reforms that create personalized health care options that better meet the needs of patients, while reducing the government’s role as middle man between patients and medical professionals.

“AFP-NC will be activating its grassroots to hold lawmakers who vote for this wrong-headed measure accountable, as well as considering this vote in our legislative scorecard.”

This statement comes just after the grassroots group issued a key vote alert and started mobilizing activists to call their senators and urge them to oppose the bill.
