Grassroots group urges Governor to set partisan politics aside and sign the bill
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Following passage of HF947, a bi-partisan tax conformity and relief bill that also gives Minnesota school districts access to an additional $225 million in funding sources, Americans for Prosperity-Minnesota (AFP-MN) on Monday urged Governor Dayton to sign the bill into law. The group also commended lawmakers for their work in finding compromise and getting the package re-passed and sent to the governor’s desk in the final hours of session. With the Legislature adjourned, Governor Dayton will now have 14 days to decide whether or not to sign the bill.
The Minnesota legislature took great strides toward meeting demands the governor outlined when he vetoed the first tax bill. With this bill, the Legislature added $50 million in new school funding and removed restrictions on $175 million more to give schools needed flexibility in addressing difficult budget decisions.
“This tax bill ensures Minnesota families and businesses continue to enjoy the benefits of federal tax reform, while taking a good first step toward permanent income tax relief for Minnesota families and individuals,” said Jason Flohrs, AFP-MN State Director. “Minnesota lawmakers have done their part and taken big steps toward meeting the Governor’s demands. It’s time for Governor Dayton to set aside his end-of-session brinksmanship, meet the Legislature partway, and sign the tax relief and school funding that Minnesota needs.”
AFP-MN is updating its digital campaign and encouraging and empowering Minnesotans to contact Governor Dayton and ask him to sign the tax bill into law. Originally, the digital campaign directed Minnesotans to contact their legislator and voice their support for getting tax reform passed.
The bill features the first individual income tax rate reduction since 2000 and ensures Minnesota has more control over its tax code by altering the base Minnesota tax code calculation from federal taxable income to adjusted gross income.
Without specific action to address tax conformity issues, many Minnesotans would have faced unintended state tax increases as a result of the interaction with federal tax changes.
Governor Dayton last Thursday vetoed the Legislature’s first attempt at a tax bill, reiterating his demand for $139 million of emergency aid for schools. He has, in the past, lifted some of the very same restrictions the Legislature lifts in this bill in order to give schools access to additional funds.
For further information or an interview, reach Jason Flohrs at
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