AFP-MI TV Ad: Michigan Would Be Worse Off with Gretchen Whitmer
Lansing, MI – Americans for Prosperity – Michigan (AFP-MI) today announced its continued efforts against former state senator, Gretchen Whitmer. This week, AFP-MI will launch a $1.6 million television and digital ad campaign airing across Michigan that focuses on the detrimental policies Whitmer supported as a state senator and urges Michiganders to vote against Whitmer for governor in November.
State Director of AFP-MI, Pete Lund, issued the following statement:
“Is anyone nostalgic for the days when Gretchen Whitmer and Jennifer Granholm were raising our taxes while our economy tanked? Whitmer’s policies were wrong then and they’re wrong now. We’ve turned things around in this state and Michiganders can’t afford another ‘Lost Decade.’ So, in November we urge voters to reject Gretchen Whitmer and her failed policies.”

To view the ad, click the image above.
Americans for Prosperity strives to promote equal rights and a society of mutual benefit by advancing pro-growth policies that reduce the tax burden on individuals and businesses, rein in corporate welfare and out-of-control government spending and remove barriers to opportunity. In doing so, AFP and the Michigan state chapter aim to help the state and the nation reach its full economic potential. As part of this mission, AFP Michigan will be encouraging lawmakers to embrace policies at the state and federal level that help improve the lives of all Americans, especially the least fortunate.
In October 2007, Whitmer Voted In Favor Of House Bill No. 5194. (House Bill 5194, Roll Call Vote #397: Conference Report Adopted 19-19, 10/1/07, Whitmer Voted Yea)
- House Bill 5194 Temporarily Hiked The Income Tax From 3.9 Percent To 4.35 Percent. “The Act imposes a tax on the taxable income of every person other than a corporation. Previously, the tax rate was 3.9%. Under the bill, beginning on October 1, 2007, and before October 1, 2011, the tax rate is 4.35%. Beginning on October 1, 2011, and each October 1 after 2011, the maximum rate must be reduced by 0.1 each year until the rate is 3.95%. On and after October 1, 2015, the rate will be 3.9%.” (“H.B. 5194: Enacted Summary,” Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency, 10/9/07)
In October 2007, Whitmer Voted In Favor Of House Bill 5198. (House Bill 5198, Roll Call Vote #398: Conference Report Adopted 19-19, 10/1/07, Whitmer Voted Yea)
- House Bill 5198 Imposed A Use Tax On A Number Of Different Services. “The Act imposes a specific tax for the privilege of using, storing, or consuming tangible personal property in the State at a rate of 6% of the price of property or services specified in the Act.“ (“H.B. 5198: Enacted Summary,” Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency, 10/4/07)
In December 2007, Whitmer Voted In Favor Of House Bill 5408. (House Bill 5408, Roll Call Vote #515: Passed 33-4, 12/1/07, Whitmer Voted Yea)
- House Bill 5408 Imposed An Annual Surcharge Equal To A Percentage Of The Taxpayer’s Michigan Business Tax Liability. “Under the bill, in addition to the taxes imposed and levied under the MBT Act, and subject to the limitations described below, an annual surcharge would be imposed and levied on each taxpayer equal to the following percentage of the taxpayer’s MBT liability after allocation or apportionment to the State but before calculation of the various credits available under the Act: For each taxpayer other than a person subject to the tax imposed under Chapter 2B, for tax years ending after December 31, 2007, and before January 1, 2011: 14.0%. For a person subject to the tax imposed under Chapter 2B, for tax years ending after December 31, 2007, and before January 1, 2009: 27.7%. For a person subject to the tax imposed under Chapter 2B, for tax years ending after December 31, 2008, and before January 1, 2011: 23.4%.” (“H.B. 5408 (S-4): Summary,” Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency, 11/29/07)
- The Michigan Business Tax Surcharge Was Intended To Replace The Revenue From The Repeal Of The Use Tax On Services. “On December 4, 2007, Governor Jennifer M. Granholm signed Public Act 145 of 2007 (‘PA 145’) amending the MBT, Public Act 36 of 2007. Although the primary purpose of PA 145 was to institute a surcharge to replace the revenue from the repeal Section 3d of the Use tax Act, PA 145 makes additional changes.” (“Surcharge,” Michigan Department Of Treasury, Accessed 5/2/18)
For further information or an interview, reach Anna McEntee,, 703-674-9227