AFP-MI to Lawmakers: “Don’t Violate Public Employees’ Privacy”

Nov 9, 2023 by AFP

Lansing, Michigan—Today, the Michigan legislature voted to violate public employees’ privacy by requiring that the government hand over the personal identifying information of new public employees to union organizers.

The measure is similar to a provision in the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) a federal bill that would roll back Right to Work protections in the states and further advance policies long-coveted by labor unions.

Americans for Prosperity-Michigan (AFP-MI) opposed the bill as an afront to worker privacy. AFP-MI State Director Annie Patnaude gave the following statement after issuing a key vote alert to lawmakers:

“It’s bad enough that lawmakers have stripped workers of their ability to opt out of union membership by repealing Right to Work, but now they are turning over employees personally identifiable information—everything from home addresses, to primary work addresses and job classifications—to unions for the purpose of aiding union organizers. And employers would have to send this information to unions every 90 days!

“It’s yet another example of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Democrats attempting to emulate President Biden’s progressive agenda. Public-sector workers deserve to have their privacy maintained and be trusted to decided on union membership without constant harassment from unions, who now expect the government to do organizing for them.

“AFP-MI will ensure that Michigan voters will know where their representatives and senators stand on protecting their privacy.”
