ARLINGTON, Va. – Today a coalition of groups led by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), including The Club for Growth and Heritage Action, issued a letter to Congress urging Members to vote against reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank. The bank is a symbol of the rigged system of corporate welfare and cronyism that undermines competition, stifles job creation, and unjustly empowers the government to pick winners and losers.
In the letter the groups write:
“The Ex-Im Bank, as it is informally known, administers corporate welfare loan programs that grant unfair advantages to a few domestic companies at the expense of many others, all the while putting billions of taxpayer dollars at risk and fostering a danger of internal corruption that has too often materialized.
To reauthorize a government loan program which has, time and again, been shown to be a breeding ground for corruption and as well as a wellspring of handouts for a few well-connected businesses at taxpayer expense, would be an insult to the hardworking Americans whose tax dollars are put on the line with each loan authorization. We, the undersigned organizations, urge you to oppose the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank.”
To learn more about AFP’s opposition to the reauthorization of the Ex-Im bank click here.
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