AFP Leads Coalition Letter Urging West Virginia’s Federal Delegation to Oppose PRO Act

Jun 2, 2021 by AFP

CHARLESTON, W.Va.—Today Americans for Prosperity-West Virginia (AFP-WV) today led a coalition of prominent businesses and organizations to issue a letter to state leaders urging them to reject the PRO Act and instead fight to expand worker freedom in the Mountain State. If implemented, the PRO Act would greatly diminish employee opportunity and cause irreparable harm to labor laws, restricting workers’ ability to earn a living and provide for their families.

View the full letter here.

In the letter, the coalition writes:

“Instead of fostering an environment of cooperative relationships between employers, workers, and labor unions, the PRO Act deprives workers of fundamental rights, eliminates opportunities for those seeking financial independence, and imposes significant costs on small businesses. Just as principled state lawmakers have recently enacted reforms to improve worker choice and flexibility in the Mountain State, this top-down federal law would invalidate those efforts and cause irreparable harm to our economic recovery at a time when West Virginians can least afford it.”


AFP believes workers should have the ability to choose who they associate with and who speaks on their behalf. The PRO Act would undermine the choice and dignity of individual workers while granting unequal privileges to labor unions. These policies would subvert worker freedom and create new barriers to economic opportunity.

To make matters worse, the PRO Act would upend every single right-to-work law, even those laws enshrined in state constitutions. Many workers would no longer have the freedom to choose union membership or not. Rather, they would be obligated to join and support speech with which they may disagree or face losing their job. No American should ever be faced with such a choice.