AFP Launches New Wave of Senate Ads Highlighting the Failure to Learn from Mistakes

Aug 19, 2024 by AFP

Ads Focus on Repeated Failures, What’s at Stake for the Next Generation

Arlington, VA – Today, Americans for Prosperity is launching a new wave of ads that will air on digital and connected TV, backed by a $3.5 million buy. The ads will highlight how reckless spending has contributed to today’s historic inflation. They will also put pressure on Senators Jon Tester (MT), Jacky Rosen (NV), Sherrod Brown (OH), Bob Casey (PA), and Tammy Baldwin (WI) for their long histories of supporting inflationary spending and regulatory policies.

The first ad, “Lesson,” features the young senator at a chalk board pledging not to increase costs for the people of their state while the text on the screen highlights repeated votes for $5.5 trillion in inflationary spending. The second ad, “Twinkle,” focuses attention on a young girl and what life will be like for the next generation if lawmakers continue to push America down this path. The failure to learn the lesson of how those policies contribute to higher prices has created an enormous burden for their constituents today and will ultimately make life harder for their children and grandchildren.

Click Here to Watch “Lesson” Senator Jon Tester (MT)

Click Here to Watch “Twinkle” Sherrod Brown (OH)

AFP Vice President of Government Affairs Akash Chougule issued the following statement on the ads:

“These Senators have repeatedly voted for inflationary spending throughout their careers, and the failure to learn that lesson isn’t just making life harder today – it will make life harder for generations to come. At a time when experts were warning that more spending could kick inflation into overdrive, each of these lawmakers ignored those warnings and voted again and again for trillions in reckless spending. We cannot afford to continue to make the same mistakes. Jon Tester, Jacky Rosen, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, and Tammy Baldwin have consistently sided with their Party over their state when it mattered most, and their constituents are suffering because of it.”

At AFP, we will continue to provide Americans with the resources to understand their representatives’ decisions and enable them to hold accountable their representatives not to prioritize politics over their communities. These ads are another reminder that better policies are needed and possible.

Click Below to Watch “Lesson”

Senator Jon Tester (MT)

Jacky Rosen (NV)

Sherrod Brown (OH)

Bob Casey (PA)

Tammy Baldwin (WI)

Click Below to Watch “Twinkle”

Senator Jon Tester (MT)

Jacky Rosen (NV)

Sherrod Brown (OH)

Bob Casey (PA)

Tammy Baldwin (WI) 

Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites activists in all 50 states behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit