First phase will target Republicans and Democrats on spending records over Memorial Day recess
Arlington, VA – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) today announced the start of a major campaign that will hold Republicans and Democrats accountable for their records on wasteful spending and thank champions who have stood up for taxpayers. AFP has targeted one Arizona representative in the campaign, Representative Tom O’Halleran.
As the nation’s leading grassroots advocate for economic freedom, AFP’s Stop Overspending, or S.O.S. campaign, will kick off during the Memorial Day congressional recess with a significant six-figure radio, print, digital and direct mail effort targeting House lawmakers on spending – specifically their support for the $1.3 trillion March omnibus package – while they are home in their districts. The first wave of this campaign will also include ads thanking lawmakers who opposed the package because of its reckless spending.
View examples of the accountability mail here
The effort will feature a video and website,, educating the American people about the importance of reducing excessive and out-of-control federal spending and urging them to tell lawmakers to control Washington’s spending addiction.
AFP-AZ State Director Andrew Clark issued the following statement:
“For too long, lawmakers have paid lip service to fiscal responsibility, yet many lawmakers conveniently overlook their calls for fiscal prudence when voting on massive spending bills. Representative O’Halleran stands guilty as charged of this when he voted for a massive omnibus bill that raises spending across the board. We are not giving future generations a brighter future when today’s lawmakers are handing them unsustainable debt and a dangerous budget situation. Arizonans need to hold Representative O’Halleran accountable for running up the tab on taxpayers’ dime and urge him to stop Washington’s habitual overspending.”
The recent $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill pushed total Washington spending above $4 trillion for the first time and failed to make any reforms to entitlement programs, which are the major drivers of the national debt. While tax reform was a win for hard-working Americans, AFP has long-advocated the importance of pairing tax cuts with spending restraint to grow the economy and improve the lives of all Americans.
Fiscal year 2019 spending legislation, which will be considered later this year, will be the last chance for members of Congress to prove before the midterm elections that they can be trusted stewards of taxpayer dollars. AFP views the Fall spending debate as a critical test for lawmakers and will be engaging grassroots activists throughout the summer to hold both parties accountable for reckless spending and stress the importance of getting spending under control.
President Trump has also expressed his disapproval with the spending in the omnibus bill and said at the bill signing, “I will never sign another bill like this again.”
In recent weeks, AFP has fought major boondoggles like the 2018 Farm Bill and called on lawmakers to repeal some omnibus bill spending by supporting President Trump’s rescission plan.
Representative O’Halleran has been an outspoken advocate for fiscal responsibility.
In A 2018 Letter To Speaker Ryan About The Looming Government Shutdown, Rep. O’Halleran, Along With Six Colleagues, Said They Are “Willing And Eager To Find Common Ground And Advance Fiscally-Responsible Proposals That Invest In Our Nation And Expand Opportunity.” “As a government shutdown once again looms before Congress, we write with great concern for the lack of meaningful progress on our nation’s priorities. … Supporting a robust military, providing health care to children, and protecting DREAMers are not – and have never been – mutually exclusive priorities. Members on both sides of the aisle have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to reach a compromise despite heated rhetoric from party factions. We, and many other thoughtful Republicans and Democrats, have been willing and eager to find common ground and advance fiscally-responsible proposals that invest in our nation and expand opportunity.” (Press Release, “O’Halleran, Members To Speaker Ryan: Show Leadership & Bring Solution Forward,” Rep. Tom O’Halleran, 1/18/18)
While Speaking About Reauthorizing Funding For CHIP, Rep. O’Halleran Said “As A Strong Supporter Of Fiscal Responsibility, I Know That Reauthorizing CHIP Isn’t Just The Right Thing To Do Morally, But The Smart Economic Decision For Our Communities.” “However, the program must again be reauthorized by Sept. 30. O’Halleran expressed the importance of continuing to provide funding by saying that Arizona is one of three states that, without action to reauthorize CHIP, would run out of federal funds to cover children by December of this year — months before other states. ‘As a strong supporter of fiscal responsibility, I know that reauthorizing CHIP isn’t just the right thing to do morally, but the smart economic decision for our communities,’ he said.” (Bethany Blundell, “O’Halleran Calls On Congress To Continue Funding For Child Health Care,” Casa Grande Dispatch, 9/20/17)
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