Don't let government abuse antitrust authority

AFP Launches Ads Urging State AGs Not to Politicize Antitrust

Sep 10, 2019 by AFP

Arlington, Va. – Following the announcement of investigations by multiple U.S. state attorneys general (AG) into tech companies for potential antitrust violations, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) announced an ad campaign targeting the offices of AGs around the country. The grassroots organization, which has chapters in 35 states, is encouraging AGs to focus their investigation on real, measurable consumer harm and anticompetitive practices. The group believes consumers will be worse off if antitrust laws are used to advance a political agenda by threatening or breaking up successful companies.

The ads are running in several states with AFP chapters. The ads direct users to an action page that allows them to contact their state AG office directly.

Click here to view the action page.

Americans for Prosperity Senior Tech Policy Analyst Billy Easley issued the following statement:

“Antitrust probes can serve a valuable purpose: to stop anticompetitive practices and consumer harm. It’s completely appropriate for state attorneys general to launch this investigation, as long as it isn’t used to create a political spectacle. There are serious consequences to abusing this kind of enforcement that create troubling ripple effects for American workers and families. The AGs involved should not use this investigation as a means to score political points.”

As part of a broader effort to protect the future of American innovation, Americans for Prosperity opposes abusive antitrust enforcement. Antitrust laws – one of the most powerful government tools – should be used to protect Americans against instances of collusion, price fixing, and other behavior that harms the competitive process. These laws should not be weaponized to attack political enemies or politically disfavored industries. Doing so would discourage the next generation of great American ideas.

AFP launched an ad campaign earlier this year urging members of the Senate Judiciary Committee not to abuse antitrust enforcement’s intended purpose: New AFP Ad Campaign Urges Bipartisan Group of Senators Not to Politicize Antitrust Enforcement.

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Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites activists in 35 states behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit
