AFP Key Vote: Medicaid work requirements

Apr 19, 2018 by AFP


April 19, 2018

Dear Lawmaker:

On behalf of the more than 100,000 activists of Americans for Prosperity-Michigan, I am writing in support of SB 897 sponsored by Senator Mike Shirkey that will add a 30-hour work requirement to Michigan’s Medicaid program. Votes on this legislation are likely to be scored in our 2018 state legislative scorecard, which we distribute to our activists so they can help hold their lawmakers accountable to the principles of a free and open society.

Our support for this bill can be explained simply. Placing work requirements on Medicaid recipients is not a punishment. Now, and for centuries, work is the single best way we know to put people on the path toward independence and a better quality of life. There is dignity and worth to be found in work.

Working is not just an end to itself. Rather, it is a mechanism by which those working create value for themselves and others. The more people who work, the more value we create in our economy. Everyone benefits.

The benefits of work for our entire economy is why we must encourage it however and wherever possible. We must reduce barriers to work. We should lower taxes on income that reduce the incentive to work. And yes, we should expect that people enrolled in taxpayer-supported programs are working.

In Michigan, 1 out of every 4 adults are enrolled in the Medicaid program. More than half of those people are already working. It is reasonable to expect that other able-bodied adults in the program who are not working should find employment.

In conclusion, I urge you to support Senate Bill 897 as a mechanism toward growing our economy stronger. Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly to discuss these issues further.


Pete Lund

State Director

Americans for Prosperity-Michigan