TOPEKA, Ks.– Americans for Prosperity-Kansas (AFP-KS) released a statement today after the Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare heard witness testimony on Senate Bill 38. The bill would expand Medicaid by adding able-bodied adults to an already strained program and balloon an already growing state budget, putting the state deeper in the red.
“If lawmakers are truly interested in providing quality health care in our state, expanding Medicaid under Obamacare is the last thing we should do,” said AFP-KS State Director Jeff Glendening. “Expanding Medicaid to able-bodied adults will only crowd out patients who need it most and make already stretched healthcare resources scarcer. Our activists have already been mobilized in anticipation of this fight. We’ve defeated this bill before and we’ll do it again.”
Last session, Governor Brownback vetoed a Medicaid expansion bill that would have cost the state over $1.1. billion over ten years.
Medicaid is simply not cost effective. Researchers from MIT, Harvard, and Dartmouth found that Medicaid recipients only receive about 20 to 40 cents of benefit for every dollar spent on Medicaid. Insurance companies, not low-income citizens, are the biggest winners of Medicaid expansion. Kaiser Health News recently reported that Medicaid insurer profits more than tripled in 34 states and the District of Columbia after Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion.
Also, states that have expanded Medicaid have experienced exploding costs and general failure:
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