Grassroots group launches major campaign against wasteful government spending
Indianapolis, Ind. – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) today announced the start of a major campaign that will hold Rep. Pete Visclosky accountable for his record on wasteful spending.
AFP’s Stop Overspending, or S.O.S. campaign, will kick off during the Memorial Day congressional recess with a significant six-figure radio, print, digital and direct mail effort targeting House Republicans and Democrats on spending – specifically their support for the $1.3 trillion March omnibus package – while they are home in their districts. The first wave of this campaign will also include ads thanking lawmakers who opposed the package because of its reckless spending.
“Representative Visclosky might speak to the importance of fiscal discipline but his support of the $1.3 trillion spending bill proves he’s just another rubber stamp for runaway spending and a poor steward of the Hoosier taxpayer,” said Justin Stevens, AFP-IN State Director. “It’s time to hold our lawmakers accountable and restore the fiscal restraint that Rep. Visclosky promised Hoosiers he would bring to Washington. We urge Rep. Visclosky to stop overspending and be a better steward of Hoosier’s hard-earned money.”
The effort will feature a video and website,, to inform the American people about the importance of reducing excessive and out-of-control federal spending and urging them to tell lawmakers to control Washington’s spending problem.
The recent $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill pushed total Washington spending above $4 trillion annually the first time and failed to make any reforms to entitlement programs, which are the major drivers of the national debt. While tax reform was a win for hard-working Americans, AFP has long-advocated the importance of pairing tax cuts with spending restraint to grow the economy and improve the lives of all Americans.
Fiscal year 2019 spending legislation, which will be considered later this year, will be the last chance before the midterm elections for members of Congress to prove that they can be trusted stewards of taxpayer dollars. AFP views the fall spending debate as a critical test for lawmakers and will be engaging grassroots activists throughout the summer to hold both parties accountable for reckless spending and stress the importance of getting spending under control.
President Trump has also expressed his disapproval with the spending in the omnibus bill and said at the bill signing, “I will never sign another bill like this again.”
In recent weeks, AFP has fought major boondoggles like the 2018 Farm Bill and called on lawmakers to repeal some omnibus bill spending by supporting President Trump’s rescission plan.
In his own words:
Rep. Visclosky In 2011: “The Road To Fiscal Sensibility Will Be Difficult, And Tough Decisions Will Need To Be Made … Different Presidents And Different Congresses Proved That We Can Make Those Decisions, Set Those Priorities And Exercise Fiscal Responsibility In A Bipartisan Fashion That Achieves Results.” “With a projected fiscal year 2011 deficit of nearly $1.5 trillion and a massive $14.3 trillion national debt, addressing our nation’s budget policies is a critical national priority. The need to tackle this crisis quickly brings with it an opportunity to put in place a comprehensive solution that will put our country on the road to a strong, fiscally sustainable economic future. … The key to confronting this challenge will be finding a balance between cutting spending and raising revenue while making the necessary investments in our nation’s infrastructure and future. The road to fiscal sensibility will be difficult, and tough decisions will need to be made. But in 1969, and from 1998 to 2001, different presidents and different Congresses proved that we can make those decisions, set those priorities and exercise fiscal responsibility in a bipartisan fashion that achieves results.” (Rep. Pete Visclosky, “Visclosky Op-Ed: Opportunity Knocks During Federal Debt Crisis,” Rep. Pete Visclosky, 7/25/11)
Rep. Visclosky In 2009: “This PAYGO Legislation Helps Restore The Fiscal Responsibility We Need To Balance The Budget And Lay The Foundation For A Vital Economy.” “‘This PAYGO legislation helps restore the fiscal responsibility we need to balance the budget and lay the foundation for a vital economy,’ said Visclosky. ‘It may not be perfect in every way, but it is important to impose fiscal discipline and it is the right thing to do. People in Northwest Indiana and across the country will reap the benefits of this new era of fiscal responsibility in Washington.’” (Press Release, “Visclosky Votes For Fiscal Responsibility Law,” Rep. Pete Visclosky, 7/22/09)
For further information or an interview, reach Lorenz Isidro at or (703) 887-7724.
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit
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