Grassroots group launches direct mail campaign to thank House and Senate members
Tallahassee, FL – Americans for Prosperity-Florida, the state’s leading grassroots advocates for workers’ rights has launched a direct mail campaign to thank Florida House and Senate members who have supported a policy initiative that would create more accountability and transparency requirements for government unions.
AFP-FL’s signature grassroots movement has been engaging citizens across the state asking lawmakers to pass H.B. 7055, a bill that also include important education reforms to expand access to quality education options and increases administrative flexibility for educators to succeed.
View “Stand Up to Union Bosses” mailer here
“Florida has excellent teachers, and they deserve the right to choose who represents them,” said AFP-FL state director Chris Hudson. “We want the House and Senate to pass legislation that provides more freedom for teachers by creating more accountability and transparency requirements for their union.
“The FEA exercises a top down approach to dealing with its membership, which often means the union is pursuing aims that benefits the union bosses instead of the teachers they are supposed to serve. Florida teachers deserve better accountability and transparency from their union, so we commend the Florida lawmakers that are fighting to give teachers their power back.”
AFP-FL has coupled this direct mail campaign with digital outreach as well as their signature grassroots activities. The group will score votes on H.B. 7055 accordingly to how the bill is amended throughout the remaining weeks of the 2018 legislative session.
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