AFP-FL Calls on Senate Education Committee to Pass HB7055

Feb 20, 2018 by AFP

Legislature should stand up to FEA union bosses and support policy that includes Hope Scholarship and promotes worker freedom for Florida teachers

Tallahassee, FL – Americans for Prosperity-Florida is calling on the members of the Senate Education Committee to pass an innovative education reform bill. HB7055 creates the Hope Scholarship, which allows alternative education options for victims of bullying and harassment across Florida. It promotes worker freedom by creating more accountability and transparency requirements for government unions. Finally, it makes permanent the Principal Autonomy Pilot Program and increases the number of schools that benefit from increased administrative flexibility.

AFP-FL state director Chris Hudson released the following statement:

“We believe this bill is the most pro-teacher and pro-student policy the legislature is working through the session. HB7055 will help teachers thrive and give them back the power they deserve to choose who represents them and give students more opportunity to pursue the educational outcomes that work best for them.

“The FEA has lashed out with one of the most shameful misinformation campaigns to dissuade lawmakers from making historic progress. Florida can continue to be the most innovative state for education freedom if lawmakers continue to show selfish union bosses that they have the fortitude to put kids and teachers above politics.

“We applaud the leadership of Speaker Richard Corcoran and the members of the Florida House for passing this bill, and we hope the Senate moves quickly to send the bill to the governor’s desk.”

AFP-FL will score votes on HB7055 in its current form in their annual Economic Freedom Scorecard. If the bill is amended, the group will adjust scoring accordingly. The group will also dedicate their signature grassroots capabilities to educating citizens about this bill and call on lawmakers to continue to support policies that make one of the state’s most critical investments a key priority.

For further information or an interview, reach Andres Malave at or (571) 451-0060. 

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit
