Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP Comments on Deadline for Transparency on Agency Guidances

Mar 4, 2020 by AFP

ARLINGTON, Va. – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) issued the following statement commenting on the recent deadline for federal agencies to implement key provisions of President Trump’s Executive Order 13891 on Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents, which would help improve accountability and promote good government. February 28 was the deadline for each federal agency to ensure the transparent use of guidance documents by establishing a single, searchable, indexed website that catalogues all of the agencies’ respective guidance documents currently in effect and to review and rescind guidance documents that should no longer be in effect.

AFP Regulations Fellow Clint Woods issued the following statement:

“AFP applauds the effort to shine a light on these guidance documents which number in the thousands at many federal agencies and can erect barriers to economic opportunity. Whether in the form of memos, policy statements, manuals, or advisories, these guidance documents can function as de facto regulations by quietly establishing precedents and standards without following basic transparency, notice-and-comment, regulatory analysis, and legislative accountability requirements. We are pleased that key regulatory agencies, like the Department of Labor and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have met the deadline, and we strongly encourage the many agencies that appear to have missed the deadline to fully implement this common sense, transparent initiative as soon as possible. Regulatory reform without implementation is a missed opportunity.”