AFP Commends FCC for Unleashing 5G 

Mar 22, 2018 by AFP

Arlington, Va. – Americans for Prosperity today praised the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for voting to unleash the implementation of 5G by removing regulatory barriers to access in an effort to boost innovation in America’s next generation mobile network. At the FCC’s monthly meeting today, commissioners approved proposed rules seeking to streamline wireless infrastructure deployment.

AFP Federal Affairs Director Mary Kate Hopkins issued the following statement: 

“This is a welcome move from the FCC that will remove unnecessary hurdles to the development of the 5G network and will allow America to continue as a leader in technological innovation. We applaud Commissioner Carr for advancing this proposal and commend the FCC for eliminating needless obstacles to advancing opportunities that have the ability to transform our society.”


new 5G mobile network will mean greater speed to move data, lower latency to be more responsive, and the ability to connect more devices at once for sensors and smart devices. The move is a critical one that will unleash innovation by removing unnecessary government barriers to technological advances. Specifically, it will modernize and streamline the outdated regulatory process to encourage 5G deployment.

For further information or to set up an interview, reach Gabrielle Braud at or (571) 329-1846. 

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit
