AFP Calls on Legislature to Return Budget Surplus to Wisconsinites

Jan 27, 2020 by AFP

MADISON, WI—Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) today calls on the Wisconsin state legislature to return the projected budget surplus to the people of Wisconsin. AFP-WI has promised to work against measures to unnecessarily grow state government with revenue that should be returned to taxpayers. Following the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau’s report released last week, the state expects to bring in $818 million more from taxpayers than projected at the end of the biennium. State law requires half of any budget surplus to remain in the budget stabilization fund, leaving more than $400 million to be returned to the hardworking taxpayers of Wisconsin.

AFP-WI State Director Eric Bott issued the following statement:

“Wisconsin is taxing more than it needs and should return the excess back to taxpayers. It’s their money. News of yet another massive surplus should serve as a reminder that pro-growth policies work. The legislature has consistently reduced Wisconsin’s tax and regulatory burdens for nine years and state revenues continue to climb as the economy benefits from these reforms.” 

For further information or an interview, reach Nicole Tardif at or (571) 329-0161.