ARLINGTON, Va. – Americans for Prosperity is calling on President Trump and Congress to build on the success of bipartisan criminal justice reform to accomplish policy reforms in 2019 that will positively transform lives and communities across the country. In a statement released this afternoon ahead of the State of the Union address, AFP President Tim Phillips called on lawmakers to work together to solve some of our nation’s greatest challenges in the areas of trade, criminal justice reform, immigration, and federal spending.
AFP President Tim Phillips issued the following statement:
“Tonight, President Trump has the opportunity to deliver a positive vision for the country that breaks the partisan divide and inspires Americans across the political spectrum to work together to take on some of our greatest challenges.
“The passage of The First Step Act showed what’s possible when Washington can put aside its differences to do what’s right. We’re hopeful President Trump and Congress will use that as a model to build on the success of First Step and accomplish even greater things in 2019.”
Unite Behind The Next Step On Criminal Justice Reform:
“Congress should build on The First Step Act by taking the next step. Now that many people will be given a second chance to return to society, we need to help make sure they have a path to success when they get there. In addition to ensuring proper implementation of the First Step Act, lawmakers should break down barriers that prevent returning citizens from working and contributing positively to their communities.”
Unite Behind A Permanent Solution for Dreamers:
“Dreamers were brought to this country as children, contribute greatly to society, and know no other home than America. Congress and the president must work toward a permanent solution that ensures they can stay here. Americans overwhelmingly support certainty for Dreamers and security at the border. Leaders in Washington should put politics aside to come together and do what’s right for the country by making this agreement a priority.”
Unite Behind A Growing Economy Powered By Free Trade:
“While Americans across the country are feeling the benefits of a growing economy, many are also feeling the squeeze of higher costs from tariffs and the looming threat that those costs could increase significantly. While President Trump deserves credit for the success of his administration’s tax-and-regulatory reforms, millions of people are seeing those benefits disappear as a result of this ongoing trade war. We continue to urge this administration to work towards zero tariffs and zero non-tariff barriers to help fully unleash the potential of our economy.”
Unite Behind Responsible Infrastructure Spending:
“We all agree that a growing economy requires a strong and stable infrastructure to support it, but any new infrastructure package must be done responsibly. That means offsetting new spending with savings elsewhere and removing unnecessary and duplicative regulatory barriers that drive up costs, delay projects, and reward special interests. We can come together to address our nation’s top infrastructure priorities without adding billions of dollars to the national debt.”
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Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites activists in 35 states behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit
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