AFP Applauds Supreme Court Ruling Rejecting Biden’s Student Loan Bailout

Jun 30, 2023 by AFP

ARLINGTON, VA—Americans for Prosperity (AFP) issued the following statement today in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to reject President Biden’s student loan bailout. In February, Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFPF) filed an amicus brief in the Biden v. Nebraska and Dept. of Education v. Myra Brown cases. 

AFP Vice President Akash Chougule said: 

“We applaud the Supreme Court decision to reject President Biden’s unconstitutional attempt to bypass Congress and unilaterally cancel billions of dollars in student loan debt. This ruling is a victory for the rule of law and for taxpayers who would have been forced to foot the bill for this misguided policy.

“The cost of higher education is a serious issue, and cancelling debt for some Americans at a massive cost to other Americans is not the answer. Doing so would double down on the problem instead of fixing it, making things worse by incentivizing schools to keep pushing costs higher. 

“This is a critical time to focus on real reforms that will make college more affordable; foster more competition, innovation, and accountability in higher education; and promote vocational training and other alternative pathways to success. AFP will continue to advocate for policies that empower individuals to make their own choices about their education and their future.”

AFP Vice President for Legal and Judicial Strategy Casey Mattox commented: 

Under our Constitution the people have a voice – and that voice was bypassed when the Biden Administration attempted to sidestep elected representatives in Congress and make law through bureaucratic edict, which the Administration acknowledged it lacked the power to issue. Today, the Court protected the processes established by the Constitution to ensure that Americans’ elected representatives play their proper role in making policy decisions of vast economic importance.”

Americans for Prosperity has been a leading voice in opposing the Biden Administration’s proposed student loan bailout. Read our recent letter to Congress HERE.