AFP Announces Support for Principled Policy Champions in Harrisburg

Jul 20, 2020 by AFP

Harrisburg, Pa. – Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania (AFP-PA) today announced its first-ever support for candidates vying for the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The grassroots group will actively back twelve policy champions in their campaigns for the Pennsylvania State Senate and House of Representatives: Senators John DiSanto and Scott Martin and Representatives Kerry Benninghoff, Cris Dush, Seth Grove, Mike Jones, Dawn Keefer, Kate Klunk, Andrew Lewis, Greg Rothman, David Rowe, and Ryan Warner.

These candidates earned AFP’s endorsement through their demonstrated leadership in championing principled policies to improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians. AFP-PA plans to leverage the full support of its grassroots, among other tactics, to urge voters to elect these candidates.

AFP-PA State Director Ashley Klingensmith released the following statement:

“Our activists across the state are proud to throw their support behind these policy champions who have consistently demonstrated principled leadership in pursuit of policies that remove barriers so that every Pennsylvanian can reach their full potential.

“These candidates haven’t simply worked to change the Harrisburg status quo – they’ve been true policy leaders and have built broad coalitions on the issues that matter most.

“Our main priority is to unite people around solutions that will make Pennsylvania a better place to live, work, and raise a family. These candidates share that priority. From helping families thrive by building an economy that works for all to opening doors to opportunity by reforming our criminal justice system, these principled leaders will continue to build and drive coalitions that will ensure lasting policy change.”


AFP-PA is proud to endorse the following candidates:


Senator John DiSanto

In four years, Senator DiSanto has proven his commitment to ensuring our state government lives within its means – just as Pennsylvania’s businesses and families must do. Sen. DiSanto doesn’t just vote for good legislation, but sponsors legislation that paves the way for more opportunity for all Pennsylvanians.


Senator Scott Martin

Throughout his first term in office, Senator Martin has been a vocal proponent of key reforms on a broad range of issues, from criminal justice reform to economic opportunity. He’s been a leading advocate for much-needed probation reform, and has sponsored legislation that would improve government transparency by ensuring public workers are fully informed of their rights over their paychecks.  Senator Martin isn’t afraid of the substantive battles, but instead leans in to them, displaying civility toward and care to those Lancaster residents who have entrusted him with their representation.


Representative Kerry Benninghoff

Now Majority Leader, Representative Benninghoff has led the effort for comprehensive tax reform to make our tax code simpler and fairer for all Pennsylvanians.  He’s sponsored legislation that provides authority to the General Assembly to serve as a check on the red tape impeding so many Commonwealth residents. As a cosponsor of legislation such as the Taxpayer Protection Act and Janus Rights Notification, he’s an leading advocate for Pennsylvanians keeping more of what they earn and having a greater say over their hard-earned paychecks.


Representative Cris Dush

A consistent voice in the House of Representatives for responsible government, Rep. Dush has been on the front lines of supporting policies that expand economic opportunity for all Pennsylvanians through his work on smart regulatory reform as well as spending reforms like the Taxpayer Protection Act.


Representative Seth Grove

Whether through championing transformative budgeting and spending reforms or fighting for reining in regulatory overreach of state agencies, Rep. Grove has served the constituents of the 196th legislative district with great care. Rep. Grove has been a leader in increasing transparency and oversight and making Harrisburg better work for the people it’s meant to serve.


Representative Mike Jones

Rep. Jones took an early and strong stand for restoring the effectiveness of the Commonwealth’s criminal justice system. As the first cosponsor of comprehensive probation reform and occupational licensing reform, he sent the message that being committed to smart-on-crime, soft-on-taxpayer policies can preserve public safety while also providing returning citizens opportunities to get back on their feet.


Representative Dawn Keefer

Rep. Keefer takes seriously the need to restrain spending and improve the state’s regulatory culture. Through two terms, she’s emerged as a leader on legislation that allows workers, including those with criminal records who are seeking second chances at employment, the best chance at success.


Representative Kate Klunk

Representative Klunk has been a leading voice for workers, having sponsored legislation that requires government to notify public workers of their rights. She has also been a leading advocate for legislation to provide more robust reviews of existing red tape that holds Pennsylvania’s residents and businesses from thriving.


Representative Andrew Lewis

In his first term, Representative Lewis has made his voice heard on the importance of Pennsylvania being a commonwealth where opportunity to reach one’s full potential extends to all residents, not just few special interests.  He’s displayed a propensity to work with anyone to advance meaningful policies to break barriers holding Pennsylvanians back, such as criminal justice reform to regulatory reform.


Representative Greg Rothman

Representative Rothman has stood for Pennsylvanians having greater access to more affordable health care.  He’s stood for giving Pennsylvanians a fighting chance at gainful employment by reforming regulations impacting returning citizens seeking to work in licensed occupations. He’s stood for workers having greater autonomy over their decisions with respect to representation. He’s a member who consistently prioritizes progress over partisanship, looking for solutions, not credit.


Representative David Rowe

In his first term, Representative Rowe has established himself as been a leader in the fight for expanding opportunities for all Pennsylvanians. He’s called for greater access to educational opportunities for all students and fought for occupational licensing reforms to help Pennsylvanians find meaningful work.


Representative Ryan Warner

Throughout his three-term tenure in the House of Representatives, Rep. Warner has been a leader in the call for fiscal responsibility in Harrisburg. His prime sponsorship of the Taxpayer Protection Act demonstrates his commitment to address spending by providing constitutional limits on what can be appropriated. He has also supported ensuring the proper role of the general assembly in being the appropriate branch of government to bet whether a tax can be levied on the residents of Pennsylvania.



In June 2019, Americans for Prosperity CEO Emily Seidel released a memo announcing the organization’s new approach to public policy and political engagement.