AFP-South Carolina Grassroots Game a Difference Maker in Senate District 17 Race

Nov 12, 2024 by AFP

AFP-SC Knocked on 33,000 Doors for Everett Stubbs who Won by 29 Votes

Chester, SC—As the state’s only permanent grassroots operation, Americans for Prosperity-South Carolina (AFP-SC) deployed activists to get out the vote for Everett Stubbs for State Senate District 17. By knocking on 33,000 doors in the district, AFP-SC helped push Stubbs to the finish line as it was recently reported that a recount is no longer needed, and Stubbs will represent SD-17 by a 29-vote margin.

AFP-SC State Director, Matt Humm, released the following statement: 

“When you see a race so narrowly determined, it’s evident that every door AFP-SC reaches, phone call placed, and mailer sent truly makes a difference. We’re proud of the work of our grassroots activists who helped flipped this seat and recognize our ground game as the secret weapon in strategically engaging in legislative races. AFP-SC is looking forward to working with Everett in the Statehouse next year to carry out the South Carolina Freedom Initiative.”
