AFP-Arkansas Applauds State Lawmakers for Passing Resolution Urging Congress to Make Trump Tax Cuts Permanent

Jan 23, 2025 by AFP

Little Rock, AR—Americans for Prosperity-Arkansas (AFP-AR) celebrated the passage of HCR 1002, a resolution urging the U.S. Congress to permanently extend President Trump’s highly successful Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). As highlighted by AFP-AR and coalition groups at a recent event, the average Arkansas family could see their federal tax bill rise by $2,220 if the TCJA is not renewed or made permanent before the end of the year.

State Representative and Vice Chair of Tax and Revenue Committee David Ray (HD-69) as well as State Senator Jim Dotson (SD-34) introduced HCR 1002 to implore U.S. lawmakers to renew President Trump’s tax cuts and Protect Prosperity for Americans in Arkansas and across the country.

AFP-AR State Director, Ryan Norris, released the following statement:

“We are thrilled to see our state lawmakers take the concern of countless Arkansas families burdened with high inflation and cost-of-living increases to Congress who can vote to avoid unnecessary tax increases. Under President Trump, the TCJA was a historic piece of legislation that stimulated the economy and let hardworking families keep more of their money. AFP-AR will continue to speak with voters in our state and bring awareness to these soon expiring tax cuts but remain thankful that Arkansas has such a strong delegation in both the state legislature and Washington supporting President Trump’s tax cuts.”


AFP launched a $20 million nationwide campaign calling on Congress to protect prosperity and renew President Trump’s highly successful TCJA – a cornerstone of AFP and the Trump Administration’s shared economic agenda this year. The campaign, the largest effort by a conservative organization to support President Trump’s second-term legislative agenda, launched with an ad blitz across all 50 states urging Americans to unite in telling Washington that now is not the time for higher taxes.
